After the revolution
Aria di Cherubino
B.D. Women
Bete noir
Bloody well done
Body of a poet (The)
Carte false
Chi è Robin
Coconut, cane &
Coming home
Complaints of a
dutiful daughter
Cross your heart
Day in the life
of a bull-dyke (A)
Double entente
Fingers and kisses
German song
Greetings from
How many lesbians
does it take to change a lightbulb?
In questa pelle
su questo pianeta
Lesbian health matters
Lesbian kamasutra
Life is a woman (The)
Liquor guns and ammo
Litany for survival
-The life and work of Audre Lorde
M.U.F.F. Match
Mad about the boy
Me & Mrs Jones
Medusa raw
Mein feind
Memoires de sable
et d'eau
Memsahib Rita -
A tale of magic and mystery
Mister sisters (The)
My failure to assimilate
Nice girls don't
Object/subject of
Old butch
Only the brave
Peach (a sweet and
subversive short film)
Quand les lesbiennes
se font du cinéma 7° Festival ...
Quando l'eroe è
un mezzo soprano
Se la mia amica entrasse
Secondo lavoro (Il)
Sex Bowl
Sex Fish
She makes love with
Shinjuku boys
Sirena di sale
Spy (A) (Hester Reeves
does the Doors)
Story so far (The)
Terra nullius
Terribles vivantes
That's alright mama
Thin ice
Unfolding posture
What does a lesbian
look like?
When night is falling
When Shirley met Florence