Archivio Film / Film Archives


Argentina Australia Austria Belgio Bielorussia Bolivia



Brasile Bulgaria Canada Cina Colombia Danimarca
Finlandia Francia Germania Giappone Iran Irlanda
Israele Italia Kazakistan Malesia Messico Norvegia
Nuova Zelanda Olanda Palestina Polonia Repubblica Ceca Russia
Singapore Slovenia Spagna Svezia Svizzera Taiwan
UK - Inghilterra Ungheria Stati Uniti Venezuela Zimbabwe


- Argentina -TOP

Yo la peor de todas (vedi anche Francia)


- Australia -TOP

Amelia Rose Towers


Bete noir

Black sheep


Can't you take a joke

Changing room (The)

Chew the fat

Children of the crocodile


Elizabeth Taylor sometimes

Fistful of Flies

Granny queer - The Late bloomers (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Animazioni / Animation Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 2005)


Here I sit

I, Eugenia

Independently Blue

Jumping the gun

Just desserts

Liquor guns and ammo

Mary's place



Only the brave

Pandora's box


Sink or swim


Sophie starlight (vedi anche Germania)

Terra nullius

Till Human Voices Wake Us and We Drown


Wicked Women

Zone sweet zone


- Austria -TOP

Danke, es hat mich sehr gefreut (vedi anche Bulgaria)

Fenster Platz (Window seat)

Mit Mir (vedi anche Germania)

My Moviestar



- Belgio-TOP

Crime quotidien (Le)

Féte des mères (La)

I Wanna Be A Butch

Ochtend liefde in 4 aktes

Sortie de bain (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Narrativi / Fiction Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 1997)

What Are We Doing Tonight?


- Bielorussia -


They Still Smile


- Bolivia -


Mujeres creando  
(Premio del Pubblico Categoria Documentari / Documentary Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 2002)


     - Brasile -TOP

Angel out of the closet



Segredos de amor

Uma valsa pra ela


- Bulgaria -TOP

Danke, es hat mich sehr gefreut (vedi anche Austria)      




- Canada -TOP


2 secondes

Alien kisses (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Sperimentali / Experimental Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 2000)

Amazing amazons (The)

Apples and Oranges

Aren't you lucky to have brought you own chair?

Atomic Saké


Balkan Journey (A). Fragments from the Other Side of the War (Menzione Speciale del Centro di Documentazione delle Donne di Bologna / Special Mention of the Women's Documentation Center in Bologna  - 1998)

Basement Girl (The)

Blissfully Ignorant

Blue Tuesday (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Sperimentali / Experimental Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 2003)

Bon Bon

Booty Dance

Breakfast with Gus

Bridge Passage (Premio Speciale IMMAGINARIA / Special Award - XI Edizione)

Calling Nate

Cherries In the Snow (An Ode To Joan Nestle)

Coconut, cane & cutlass

Come and go

Come Here



Cross your heart

Crossing the Line


Dangerous bliss

Day in the life of a bull-dyke (A)

Des marelles et des petites filles (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Documentari / Documentary Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 2001)



Don't bug me

Drawing the line

Dress code

Emporte-moi (Set me free) (vedi anche Francia e Svizzera)

Excess is What I Came for

Fiction and other truths. A film about June Rule

Fire (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Narrativi / Fiction Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 1998)


Floored by love

Forbidden love


Fury for the Sound: The Women at Clayoquot

Girl Drama

Good Citizen: Betty Baker

Head stick'em

Health status survey (Premio Speciale IMMAGINARIA / Special Award - IX Edizione)


How To Mend A Broken Heart

I make passes at girls who wear glasses

I need a man like you to make my dreams come true

Interviews With My Next Girlfriend (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Narrativi / Fiction Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 2002)

It happened in the stacks

Itchy ya-ya

Jardin oublié (Le)

Laugh in the dark

Lesbian National Parks and Services: A Force of Nature

Lez Be Friends



Long time comin'


Lovely is your name

Martirio (Sufferance) 

Medusa raw

Nice Girls Don't Do It

Not like that: diary of a butch-a-phobe

Nu shu -  A hidden language of women in China (vedi anche Cina)

Object/subject of desire

Old butch

One of them



Paulina  (vedi anche USA e Messico)



Rape: A Crime of War

Revoir Julie (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Narrativi / Fiction Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 2000)

Riposte: crime politique contre les femmes et les lesbiennes

Rispondetemi (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Narrativi / Fiction Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 1996)


Seines dans la tête (Les)

Show me

Slickster fixture





Stolen Moments


Sugar and spice


Terribles vivantes (Les)

Thank God I'm a lesbian


This boy

Two / Doh


Unmapping desire

Walnut Tree (The)

Watching Lesbian Porn

The Way I sees it

We're Talking Vulva

What does a lesbian look like?

When night is falling

When Shirley met Florence

When women kill

Who's counting. Marilyn Waring on sex, lies and economics

Why I'll never trust you (in 200 words or less)

Wild woman in the woods (The)

Wilma's sacrifice (Premio / Award Studio Universal - IMMAGINARIA 2001)

Within These Cages


Woman in my platoon (A)


- Cina -TOP

17 1/2 [HONG-KONG] 

Fish and Elephant

Ho Yuk (Let's love Hong Kong) [HONG-KONG]

Hu Die (Butterfly)  [HONG-KONG]

I'm starving [HONG-KONG] (vedi anche USA)

Nu shu -  A hidden language of women in China (vedi anche Canada)



- Colombia -TOP

I/Yo (vedi anche USA)

Mi cuerpo inerte en paraje desolado


- Danimarca -TOP




- Finlandia -TOP

Naisenkaari / Gracious Curves

Sosiaalinen leikki (A social play)


- Francia -TOP

A la decouberte de Mama Cash

Ange amazonien (L')

Bang Bang Je t'aime Je t'aime


Cirque à New York (Un) (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Documentari / Documentary Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 2003)

Debout! (vedi anche Svizzera)

Emporte-moi (Set me free) (vedi anche Canada e Svizzera)

En attendant la cigogne


Family Pack

Haine comme normal

Jupon rouge (Le)


Mechaniques celestes (vedi anche Venezuela)

Memoires de sable et d'eau



No comment (Premio Speciale IMMAGINARIA / Special Award - VIII Edizione)

Nos parents sont gays et ce n'est pas triste (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Documentari / Documentary Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 2005)

Ô trouble


Ombres solaires, 1re partie: la Rencontre

Origine du monde, le retour (L')

Pas trop pres!

Quand les lesbiennes se font du cinéma 7 Festival ...

Safia et Sarah

Shoot me angel

Souriante madame Beudet (La)

Tous les jours il fait nuit

Yo la peor de todas (vedi anche Argentina)

- Germania -TOP

Alles wird gut (Everything will be fine)

And she said no

Aritmetik der Gleichberechtigung (vedi anche Russia)

Bayrischer heimatfilm

Bloody well done

Club Rosa


Der kuss

Die eisbaderin (Woman below the ice)

Die Jugenfrauenmachine

Ein neues land (A New Land)

Endlich eine prinzessin

Forbidden fruit (vedi anche Zimbabwe)

Fruhstuck der scheidenden Geister

Ganz oben


Grosse gefuhle

Heldinnen der Liebe

Ich und Frau Berger

Ich wandle unter Blumen


In farbe

Kehrwoche (Premio Speciale IMMAGINARIA / Special Award - X Edizione)

Madchen in uniform

Me & Mrs Jones

Mein 37 abenteur

Mein feind

Mein ist dein ganzes herz

Mit den besten Wunschen

Mit Mir (vedi anche Austria)

Morgen retten wir die welt (Tomorrow We'll Save the World)

Nachbarinnen (Wanted!)


Pashke and Sofia

Rituale des Werbens

Schlorkbabies an der Raststatte

Schon wieder mousse au chocolat (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Sperimentali / Experimental Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 2001)

Sing Sing Sing

Some Real Heat

Sophie starlight (vedi anche Australia)

Stay tuned




Take me back to Cairo


Unknown Friend (Fremde Freundin) (vedi anche Norvegia)

Verzehren verzerrt

Viel zuviel verschwiegen

Vorbei, entzwei?


- Giappone -TOP




- Iran -TOP
Gonahe Maryam (Maryam's sin)

Zananeh (The Ladies Room)

- Irlanda -TOP

Agricultural report

First kiss

Lust for power: 2nd international Dyke March

Odd Sock



- Israele -TOP


Sabbath Shoes

She makes love with her

Shir eres (Lullaby)

Watching you (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Narrativi / Fiction Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 2001)


- Italia -TOP

A piedi nudi (Premio Speciale IMMAGINARIA / Special Award - VII Edizione)

Angelica infuriata

Appunti onirici di una pulsione amorosa

Aria di Cherubino



Carte false

Che giornataccia! Oggi non sopporto la mia faccia

Chi è Robin


Cuori di pietra


Di madre in figlia


E' solo una questione di apostrofo

Faces of New York


Il mercato

In questa pelle su questo pianeta


Isso não è uma brincaidera


L'altro ieri (vedi anche Gran Bretagna)

Lavori in corso

Na' sciurnata longa

Non è colpa di nessuno

Oltre i miei occhi - Rappresentazioni erotiche nel cinema lesbico

Paesaggi d'interno

Papayoni. Creatura immorale


Pazza d'azzurro (Nietta's diary) (vedi anche Gran Bretagna) (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Documentari / Documentary Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 1997)

Più cielo che terra

Quando l'eroe è un mezzo soprano

Rapido finale con passione (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Narrativi / Fiction Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 1999)

Ritoccandole (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Sperimentali / Experimental Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 1996)

Se la mia amica entrasse

Secondo lavoro (Il)

Sirena di sale


Straniera blu (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Sperimentali / Experimental Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 1997)

Tre spot per un pianeta


Viaggi lesbici

Violacielo - Appunti di un animo impreciso

- Kazakistan -TOP

Life is a woman (The)


- Malesia -TOP

Search For Her (vedi anche Singapore)


- Messico -TOP


Blossoms of Fire (vedi anche USA)

Contemporary artist

Corazon sangrante (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Sperimentali / Experimental Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 1999)

Cuerpos de papel

Devil in the flesh

Encuentro lesbico national n. 4

Enlace lesbico feminista: 8 Marzo, Editorial lesbica


Florezca la luz

Natural instincts

Paulina  (vedi anche Canada e USA)

Y sigue la marcha andando


- Norvegia -TOP

O'bli hos meg (Abide With Me)

Tidewater (vedi anche Polonia)

Unknown Friend (Fremde Freundin) (vedi anche Germania)


- Nuova Zelanda -TOP

Naya Zamana

Peach (a sweet and subversive short film)

Pink (The) (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Sperimentali / Experimental Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 1998)


- Olanda -TOP


But I was a girl … ( ... Mar ik was een meisje)

Donna come Eva (Una)




You 2 (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Narrativi / Fiction Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 2003)


- Palestina -TOP

3 cm less


- Polonia -TOP

Tidewater (vedi anche Norvegia)



- Repubblica ceca -TOP

Mouchy (The fly)

- Russia -TOP

To my women friends

Aritmetik der Gleichberechtigung (vedi anche Germania)

- Singapore -TOP

Search For Her (vedi anche Malesia)

- Slovenia -


Varuh Meje (The Guardian of the Frontier)

- Spagna -TOP

Acera de enfrente (La)

Alicia cada dia

Cariño, he enviado los hombres a la luna

Costa Brava. Family Album


Evocations (Evocaciones)

Harlequin exterminator





- Svezia -TOP


Vänninor - Companions, Tales from the Closet

Viskningar (Whisperings)


- Svizzera -TOP

B & B

Bar jeder frau


Debout! (vedi anche Francia)

Défoule (La)

Dirty Pool

Emporte-moi (Set me free) (vedi anche Canada e Francia)

Getting off the dime

Go girl

Hoi Maya

Late at night

Letzte tropfen

Liebe leicht gemacht



- Taiwan -

Incidental Journey



- Inghilterra / United Kingdom -TOP

After the revolution

B.D. Women

Baby cue


Body of a poet (The) (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Documentari / Documentary Audience Award ex-aequo - IMMAGINARIA 1996)

Child of mine

City paradise

Confession of a pretty lady


Disgraceful conduct

Divorce iranian style

Domestic Bliss

Double entente

Double the trouble, twice the fun

Dream girls

Dream of me

Dyke Blend

Everything was life

Faery Goodmothers

Flesh and paper

For now and then whenever wherever


Gaea Girls 

Girls in the garden

Grass is greener (The)

Groove on a Stanley Knife (Premio Speciale IMMAGINARIA / Special Award - VI Edizione)

Home you go ...

How Mermaids Breed

Immortal Muse

Jodie: an icon

Just a little crush

K.D. Lang live in Sydney


L'altro ieri (vedi anche Italia)

Last time (The)

Lesbian Bed Death

Lesbian health matters

Lesbian kamasutra (The)

Lesbians Behaving Badly

Lesbians Go Mad in Lesbos


Loss of heat

Love story (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Documentari / Documentary Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 1999)

M.U.F.F. Match

Memory Tracks (vedi anche USA)

Memsahib Rita - A tale of magic and mystery

Monomyth (Hero With a Thousand Faces)

My moon, her world

My Mother is an Alien (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Documentari / Documentary Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 1998)

My primary lover never Hollywood kissed me

Nice girls don't

Oranges are not the only fruit (The)

Paris was a woman

Pazza d'azzurro (Nietta's diary) (vedi anche Italia) (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Documentari / Documentary Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 1997)

Pocedi Trymion (Heavy pockets)

Possibly in Michigan


Righteous babes (The)

Room Service (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Sperimentali / Experimental Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 2005)



See You Next Monday

Seventeen (17) rooms or what do the lesbians do in bed?

Sex, lies and religion

Shades of desire

Sheboom: Dance with the Devils

Sherlock, Louise and Mina

Shinjuku boys

Short Film About Us (A)

Story so far (The)

Strawberryharvest (The)

Thin ice

Two or Three Things But Nothing for Sure (vedi anche USA)

Warrior marks



Well sexy women

Where the cows go

Woman of the wolf

Women in black

Women like that

Women like us. The lives of older lesbians

Woolly Wolf

Zero Budget


- Stati Uniti -TOP



After the 2nd date

All God's children

All Over Me



Back to life

Back to Misery 

Backseat Detour

Bar Talk


Because the dawn

Beneath the surface

Between the lines

Billy's dad is a fudge-packer

Bird in the hand


Blossoms of Fire (vedi anche Messico)

Body: a women's definitions

A boy named Sue

Breaking the glass

Burden of dykes

Butch Femme

By Hook or by Crook

Cancer in two voices

Can't help lovin'dat man

Central park

Claire of the moon

Club Q: The legendary dance party for women

Cocktails and appetizers

Comedy in six unnatural acts (A)

Coming home

Complaints of a dutiful daughter (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Documentari / Documentary Audience Award ex-aequo - IMMAGINARIA 1996)

Complicated flesh

Cornflake girl


Cunt Dykula


Damned if you don't

Dani & Alice

Day we never met (The)

The Deal

Dear Joan

Desi's Looking For A New Girl


Does Love See Color?

Double Dare

Double strength

Dreams of Jagodina

Dreams of passion

Dry kisses only

Dykes and their dogs


Edge of Each Other's Battles (The): The Vision of Audre Lorde

Emily and Gitta

Entre amigos: between friends


Erotic in nature

Et l'amour

Everything Relative

Execution of Wanda Jean (The)


Family affair (A)

Fan (A love story)


Female Closet (The)

Fingers and kisses

First base

Framing lesbian fashion


Fresh kill

Gay Cuba

Georgie girl

German song

Girl Play (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Narrativi / Fiction Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 2005)

Girl under the table

Go fish

Goat named Tension (A)

Golden threads (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Documentari / Documentary Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 2000)

Goodbye Emma Jo


Green Hour (The)

Greetings from Africa


Haircut (The)

Hand On The Pulse

Happy birthday

Haunting (A)

Hide and Seek

High art

History lessons

How many lesbians does it take to change a lightbulb?

I love mornings

I/Yo (vedi anche Colombia)

I'm starving (vedi anche Cina)

Immediate Family

In My Father's Church

In the dark

In the Morning

In the red

Incredibly true adventure of two girls in love (The)


International Sweethearths of Rhythm

Intersextion (Premio del Pubblico Categoria Sperimentali / Experimental  Audience Award - IMMAGINARIA 2002)

It is a crime

It's a boy

It's Elementary - Talking About Gay Issues in School

It's in the water

I've never

Juggling Gender

Junky Punky Girlz

Just because of who we are

Just like a man

Kalin's prayer

L is for the way you look

Last call at Maud's

Late Bloomers

Leave it!

Lesbian avengers eat fire too (The)

Lesbian bed death: myth or epidemic?

Lesbian Fashion?

Lesbian teenager in high school

Letter home (A)

Letter to Maya

Life time commitment. A portrait of Karen Thompson

Litany for survival-The life and work of Audre Lorde

Little Ballad (A)

Lives of Marilyn Sunderman (The)

Living with pride: Ruth Ellis @ 100

Looking for another girl

Losing Lois

Love Life


Mad about the boy


Meeting Magdalene

Memory Tracks (vedi anche Gran Bretagna)

Mercedes, here lies the heart

Mercury in Retrograde

Mermaids, fish and other non-bipeds

Midwife's tale (The)

Mister sisters (The)

Mommie Queerest

Murder and Murder

My Babushka: Searching Ukrainian Identities

My failure to assimilate

My personal messages

My Pretty Little Girlfriend

My Sister, My Bride

Nesting Season

Nine Days

Nitrate kisses

No need to repent

Not just passing through

Odds Of Recovery

Of skin & metal

Off the straight and narrow

On Becoming A Woman

Open studio

Other families

Our Health: Lesbian Latinas Breaking Barriers - Mi droga preferida

Our Health: Lesbian Latinas Breaking Barriers - Violencia Domestica

Our trip

Out at work

Out for a change: Addressing homophobia in women's sports

Out of Season

Out: the making of a revolutionary



Party favor (The)


Paulina  (vedi anche Messico e Canada)

Perverted Justice

Piece de resistance

Place Mattes


Powerful women in the martial arts

Premenstrual spotting

Pretty ladies: a super 8 explosion

Pussies From Outta Space

Rebel Rebel

Reflections...a moment in time

Religious experience (A)

Reno: Rebel Without A Pause

Ride out (A)

Rules of the road

Seven days

Sex Bowl

Sex Fish

The Shape of gaze

Shared lives

She can probably fix it

She dont't fade

She even chewed tobacco

She must be seeing things

Sheila and Rosie get paid!

So Different

Some ground to stand on

Some prefer cake

Spy (A) (Hester Reeves does the Doors)

Standing up (Premio Speciale IMMAGINARIA / Special Award - XII Edizione)

Sticky fingers of time (The)

Stigmata. The Transfigured body

Still Point

Stormé: the lady of the jewel box

Sweet baby J'ai on diva's breaking taboos

Sweet Boy

Swimming Upstream: A Year in the Life of Karen and Jenny

Sync touch


Talkin' trash

The Tell-tale vibrator

Ten Rules, The (A Lesbian Survival Guide)

Tender fiction (Premio del Centro di Documentazione delle Donne di Bologna / Award of the Women's Documentation Center in Bologna - 1998)

That's a family!

That's alright mama

This is not a very blank tape dear

A Thousand of miles

Tiny and Ruby: Hell Divin'Women

Title IX.L

Tomboys! Feisty Girls and Spirited Women

Top of the World

Tragedy of Samantha Biggle and the twins (The)

Traveling companion

Travelling eye of the blue cat (The)

Treading water


Trigger Happy

Two in twenty

Two or Three Things But Nothing for Sure (vedi anche Gran Bretagna)

Unfolding posture

Untitled (Diketactics revisited)

Vanilla Lament

Waking up - A lesson in love

Watching her sleep

Weeki Wachee girls

What Became Known as... the Eleanor Affair

Women of bodysurfing

Women of color in the martial arts and self defense

Youth Outloud!

 - Ungheria -TOP

Kutyàbol nem lesz szalonna (L'art-don)

Mihez Kezdjen Egy Fiatal Leszbicus a Nagyvàrosban...



    - Venezuela -TOP

Mechaniques celestes (vedi anche Francia)


- Zimbabwe -TOP

Forbidden fruit (vedi anche Germania)


Ultimo aggiornamento 27 Ottobre 2005 / Last update 27 of October 2005